The Law office of Ben Protano is a South Florida based law firm located in Hollywood, Florida. The firm was established in 2000 with the express purpose of assisting individuals, companies and their shareholders in avoiding pitfalls of operation. We are pleased to represent individuals in pursuit of their business and financial goals; domestic and international. The firm also represents individuals who have been injured in auto, motorcycle, bicycle accidents, and other types of injuries related to many potential causes. We also represent families of individuals who may have met an untimely demise due to the negligence of others. This firm also offers referral service to a number of qualified attorneys within a broad array of legal knowledge to best serve your needs.
Our firm manages countless business concerns involved with the reorganizing and restructuring of your company. By creating, assisting and servicing contracts, our experienced team will take charge of your goals and help deliver the accomplishments you desire.
We assist clients with the accumulation, preservation and transfer of their wealth. We deliver sound financial advice and direction which ultimately guides them to personal success.
Allow us to take the leading role in litigation and alternate dispute resolution. Our advocacy methods deliver you the justice and financial satisfaction you deserve.
Trust our firm’s professional referral service to point you in the direction of additional qualified legal specialists.
Since 2000, Ben Protano has been administering experienced, sound legal counsel. Serving clients statewide and worldwide, Protano delivers personally attentive and efficient service which helps guide his clients through a wide variety of circumstances. His competent methods and personally attentive approach helps build lasting relationships.
Protano expresses integrity, compassion and service to every situation. He advises the best way to approach, deliver and manage goals through intelligent, creative and aggressive methods in order to deliver his clients a victorious conclusion.